We manufacture in our workshops in France all types of textile slings. Our group of 19 factories in France ensures you an unparalleled security of supply. Weaving of the strap, dyeing / elongation, confection, packaging: everything is done in-house to guarantee traceability at all levels. The fact that we manage all stages of production gives us a unique know-how that allows us to offer you the item that best suits your needs.
But our skills don't stop there: we are known for designing and manufacturing non-standard items, beyond the standards of the trade. Do you use your slings in particularly harsh environments requiring increased resistance to chemicals, temperature, ionic media or other? We work with you to deliver a turnkey solution. Aramid, HMPE, Teflon straps have no secrets for us. We make a number of bi-material slings to further optimize our slings.
For us, the success of a business depends on the satisfaction of the customer. So it is your project that pushes us to excel
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We manufacture all our products in our own workshops in France.
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