tresse plate

Flat braids
Mats, braids, plaits 3 spindles to 41 spindles

We specialize in braiding
custom flatbed

flat and tubular braid
tresse plate jaune et bleue fabriquée en france
tresse plate pour laçage
tresse plate multitresse rigide ou élastique

Flat braid

In flat braiding, our ultra-modern equipment enables us to manufacture both rigid and elastic items, from 1mm to 50mm wide. Graphic industry, automotive, aeronautics, haberdashery, technical clothing... They all place their trust in us, not to mention the specific items we manufacture to order.

Tubular braids

We also produce hollow braids (tubular sheaths) for the electronics, aeronautics, rail, marine and military markets...


do you need to protect or enhance a technical cable, hydraulic hose or tubing? We over-stress your items by adding 1 or 2 textile layers to improve their resistance to abrasion, chemicals or fire, or to insulate them electrically or thermally.

We are also
garment makers

On request or by catalog, we are able to combine all our textile articles with an infinite choice of endings: plastic buckles, metal parts, hooks, tilting ends, lugs, snap hooks...
Our technical team is at your disposal for all your developments.

Technical specifications of our flat braids


Synthetics: polyester, polyamide, polypropylene, polyethylene
Natural: Cotton, linen, hemp, acrylic.
Techniques: Fiberglass, twaron.


Depending on our range, more than fifteen colors are available. Special colors available on request.


In coils, cut or shod, loose, on boards, in dolls.

Widths, spindles and gums

Width: from 3 to 30 mm
From 3 spindles to 96 spindles and from 4 to 48 gums.


From 10% to 250% elongation.


Graphic industry, decoration, packaging.

Our flat braid models

galon tressé acrylique
of contact

4B Rue Ampère
59560 Comines - FRANCE

Tél: +33 (0)

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